SINTA Accreditation Certificate
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1. Design and Development of Sidajaya Tourism Village Information System as a Mobile-based Information and Promotion Media [1-13]
2. Smart Hotel Security: Integrating AI for Advanced Safety Solutions [14-26]
3. Implementation of the Convolutional Neural Network Method in Highway Traffic Monitoring Systems [27-35]
4. Classification of Cow's Milk Freshness Based on Color and Homogeneity Using the Support Vector Machines (SVM) Method [36-46]
5. Sentiment Analysis of Patient Reviews of Az-Zainiyah Clinic Services Using Neural Language Processing with the Naïve Bayes Method [47-57]
6. Satellite Technology for Internet of Things: An Overview [58-68]
7. Python for Kids: Designing an Educational Literacy Application [69-84]
8. IoT-based Real-Time Monitoring System to Optimize Capacitor Bank Performance on Waste Chopping Machines in Cikawao Village, Bandung [85-95]
9. Machine Learning Approach to Analyze the Relationship Between State Defense Index and Human Development to Strengthen National Defense [96-105]
10. PCOS Disease Classification Using XGBoost Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection [106-114]
1. Augmented Reality-Based Car Showroom Application as a Promotional Media at Alya Motor Car Showroom [587-600]
2. Implementation of Load Balancing Using the PCC (Per Connection Classifier) Method on Computer Networks to Improve Responsiveness [601-615]
3.Implementation of AES-256 Algorithm for Encryption on Chatting Platforms [616-624]
4.Implementation of E-Commerce for Andika Jeans with PHP, MySQL, and SDLC for Web-based Applications [625-640]
5. Development of an Information System for eTax Return Reporting PPh 21 Employees at PT. FBR Mitra Sejati [641-665]
6.Performance Comparison of K-nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, and Random Forest Methods for Classification of Cyber Defense Master Scholarship Recipients [666-676]
7. Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications: Friend or Threat for Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students at Singaperbangsa University of Karawang [677-688]
8. Prediction of New Customer Segmentation Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Project Cycle Orange Data Mining [689-700]
9. Website-Based Retail Sales Monitoring System at Purbaratu Market Cooperative, Tasikmalaya City [701-713]
10. Wireless Network Service Quality Analysis at Kefamenanu 1 State Vocational School using QoS Methods [714-732]
11.Building a Web-Based Application for Transaction Recording and Inventory Management at Unipro Store [733-755]
12.Automating Internship Data Management Processes in a Web-Based Application: A Case Study of FTI UNTAR [756-784]
13.Implementing Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control for Document Administration in Student Organizations [785-802]
14.Student feedback systems: Developing a web-based solution for efficient complaint processing at the Faculty of Information Technology at Tarumanagara University [803-821]
15. Implementation of Haversine Algorithm in Web-Based Online Attendance Application [822-835]
16. Enhancing Tourist Experiences in Glodok Pancoran Through Virtual Tours [836-849]
17. Monitoring leakage in water pipe installation using a water flow sensor [850-865]
18. Performance Comparison of the Support Vector Machine Algorithm with RBF Kernel and Random Forest in Classifying Tourism Images of Nusa Penida [866-877]
19. Revolutionizing B2B procurement: Digital transformation at PT Sadang Jaya [878-893]
20. Design of a Monitoring System for the Number of Visitors and Room Temperature Telkom Plaza Bengkulu [894-908]
Countries contributing to this Volume: [INDONESIA, TAIWAN, CHINA, INDIA ]
[1] Design and Performance Analysis of a Fuzzy Logic-Based IoT System for Greenhouse Irrigation Control [371-383]
[2] Performance Evaluation Of Hybrid System Monitoring Solar Panels Based On WSN Case In Smart Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) [384-394]
[3] Hotel Administration Application Design Using Delphi and UI/UX Designer [395-405]
[4] Microcontroller-based Forklift Path Following Robot Prototype [406-419]
[5] Implementation of Speed Measurement and Speed Limit System on Motorcycles Based on Global Positioning System [420-430]
[6] Application of Location-Based Service (LBS) in The Information System for Determining The Location of Craft Shops in The City of Tasikmalaya Based on Android [431-440]
[7] Prediction Analysis of Package C Student Graduation at the Bollo DMansel Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) with the Naïve Bayes Algorithm Method [441-451]
[8] Design of Equipment for Detecting and Ensuring Reliability of The Substation [452-463]
[9] Implementation of Polynomial Regression on Coconut Charcoal Making System Integrated with IoT and Cloud in Real Time [464-480]
[10] Selection of Head of Study Program using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method [481-491]
[11] Implementation of a Forward Chaining Expert System in Diagnosing Laptop Damage [492-505]
[12] Implementation of Webservice Security: A Case Study on HTTPS Usage and ARP Spoofing Attack Threats [506-517]
[13] Performance Comparison Analysis on Weather Prediction using LSTM and TKAN [518-525]
[14] Performance Analysis of Genetic Algorithms and KNN Using Several Different Datasets [526-531]
[15] Decision Support System For Student Activity Unit Selection Using Certainty Factor Method [532-540]
[16] Optimization of K-Means Clustering Method by Using Elbow Method in Predicting Blood Requirement of Pelamonia Hospital Makassar [541-550]
[17] Monitoring and Detection System of Level and Turbidity in Embankment Water in Real Time Based on IoT [551-559]
[18] Expert System to Determine the Fermentation Quality of Sheep Feed Using Forward Chaining Method [560-572]
[19] Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Users Ahead of the 2024 Election Using the Naive Bayes Method [573-580]
[20] Usability Analysis of The Website of The Housing and Settlement Area Office of The District of South Bengkulu [581-586]
Countries contributing to this Volume: [INDONESIA, TAIWAN, CHINA, INDIA ]
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Volume 4 Issue 2, 2024 [May]
1. Telegram-Based Design of Automatic Plant Watering System [Page: 162-171]
2. 360-degree Image Processing on NVIDIA Jetson Nano [Page: 172-186]
3. Multipose to detect Airport Visitor Behavior [Page: 187-198]
4. Innovative Learning Media for Interior Design using Augmented Reality at Vocational High Schools [Page: 199-210]
5.Efficiently Estimating Soil Moisture Content: Adopting IoT Technologies [211-225]
6. Simulation and Analysis of Network Security using Port Knocking and Intrusion Prevention System on Linux Server [226-243]
7.Integration of Telkom ISP and 3 LTE Using PCC Method to Improve Internet Connection Stability [244-256]
8.Hybrid Electrical Interchange System in IoT-Based Egg-Hatching Equipment [257-273]
9. Mobile App for IoT-Based Home Security System with Fingerprint Access Control [274-288]
10.Analysis of the Usefulness of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office Website Using the Webuse Method and Heuristic Evaluation [289-298]
11.Radar-Based Tsunami Detection: A Comprehensive Review [299-315]
12.Decision Support System for Selecting a Bus Company Using the SMART Method: A Case Study at Nuansa Utama Tour and Travel [316-331]
13.NMC Lithium Ion Battery Management with Distributed Monitoring Topology [332-338]
14. Internet-based Design of Hydroponic Plants Monitoring and Automation Control Systems [339-353]
15. Design of K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm For Classification of Credit Loan Eligibility At Senarak Dana Purwakarta Cooperative [354-370]
1. Transformation of Binjai Police Presence Application: UI/UX Design with Design Thinking Method to Improve Efficiency and User Experience [1-13]
2.A Review and Management of the 'Anugerah' Computer Shop Application Based on Android and iOS Mobile [14-31]
3. Identification of Tajweed Recognition using Wavelet Packet Adaptive Network based on Fuzzy Inference Systems (WPANFIS) [32-41]
4. Library Book Recommendation System Using Content-Based Filtering [42-65]
5.Designing a Web-Based Digital Certificate Application Using the Waterfall Method [66-75]
6.Design of a Marriage Service Management Application at the Pasar Jambi Religious Affairs Office [76-93]
7.Designing Ikhwan Shop Management System with Desktop-based Multi-User [94-106]
8. Mapping and Monitoring of Satellite-based Livestock waste Management and Internet of Things in Livestock areas in Bumiaji, Batu City [107-130]
9. Implementation of Data Access Object Pattern in Bookkeeping System Development [131-142]
10. SIBI Alphabet Detection System Based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Method as Learning Media [143-161]
1. Adaptive Algorithm to Improve the Image Quality of Vehicle License Plates based on Lighting Parameters [Page: 300-314]
2.Network Security Analysis Using Switch Port Security CPT [Page: 315-324]
3.Security System Analysis Using the HTTP Protocol Against Packet Sniffing Attacks [Page 325-340]
4.The Relationship of Teacher Activity in the Teaching and Learning Process to Elementary Student Learning Outcomes Using Bootstrap Machine Learning [Page 341-351]
5. Decision Support System for Selecting Social Assistance Recipients using The Preference Selection Index Method [Page 352-360]
6. Smart System for Stabilizing Water Flow Output on Android-Based Taps [Page 361-374]
7. Decision Support System for Selecting the Best Internship Students Using the SAW Method [Page 375-383]
1.Security Performance of LoRaWAN Servers using Advanced Encryption Standard
2.Network Security Analysis Based on Internet Protocol Security Using Virtual Private Network (VPN)
3.Detection of Bruteforce Attacks on the MQTT Protocol Using Random Forest Algorithm
4. Classification of Customer Satisfaction Through Machine Learning: An Artificial Neural Network Approach
5.Determining the feasibility of using the automated market basket analysis method to investigate a cause-and-effect pattern of construction accidents and its safety associations
1. Development Of an Intelligent Clothes Drying System with Real-Time Monitoring and Control
2. Development of a Parking System Using the High Sensitive R503 Fingerprint Sensor for Sequential Search Algorithm Based Customer Detection
3. Development of Smart Parking Systems using RFID Sensors for Online Verification in Different Areas
4. Implementation of Smart Farming for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Based on Wireless Sensor Network Using ESP8266
5. Internet of Things: A Hypothetical and Prototyping Platform for CRASP Methodology
6. Prevention practices accounting fraud in managing village-owned business units and its approach using AI
7. Smart Water Tank for Control and Monitoring Based on IoT Technology
1. A Development of a Financial Literacy Pocket Book for Malay Tribe Housewives in Running a Home Industry Business
2.Detection of aflatoxin contamination in corn using The Simplified Gabor Wavelet algorithm
3.Artificial Intelligence of Internet of Things (AIoT) Technology-based Law Enforcement Process
4.Development of WhatsApp for English Learning at Saumlaki State High School Tanimbar Islands
5. Fertilization Technology of Virginia Tobacco Farmers in Bojonegoro and Lamongan Districts and approach to IoT
6. Best Employee Selection Using The Additive Ratio Assesment Method
7. The Existence of POLRI in Handling Minor Crimes of Defamation Through Social Media in the Electronic Information and Transaction Law
8. Integrated Smart Rescue Box Design With Information Systems as a Solution to Indonesian Disaster Emergency Response
Vol 2 issue 4, 2022
Modern Farming Biofloc ponds for tilapia aquaculture based on the internet of things use a fuzzy logic algorithm
Vol 2 issue 3, 2022
Association Analysis in Java Ateka for Stationery Sales Promotion Using the FP-Growth Algorithm
Internet of Things (IoT) Product Design and Modeling Amikom Purwokerto Hand Sanitizer (AMPUH)
The Weighted Product Method in the DSS for Employee rewards at the Cosmetics Warehouse
The Weighted Product Implementation In Selection of Superior Jersey Materials in Gorich Industry and Production
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022 [May]
Volume 2 Issue 1, 2022 [February]
Vol 1 issue 4, 2021
A Review of Motion Sensors as a Home Security System and approach to the Internet of Things Project
Vol 1 issue 3, 2021
Vol 1 issue 2, 2021
Vol 1 issue 1, 2021
1. Analysis of Data Communication on gunshot wound for Fast Fighting Engineering Exercises LoRa 1278 based
2. RCWS Control System Design Based on Raspberry Pi
3. Implementation of The Speech Recognition System Using a real-time web Server Based
4. Design of Smart Green House Using pH and Water Temperature Optimization in Lettuce, Hydraulic Plant Media based on Arduino Uno
5. ZigBee Test Performance with DHT11 Temperature sensor
SINTA Accreditation Certificate
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