Innovative CNN approach for reliable chicken meat classification in the poultry industry
Chicken, Deep Learning, CNN, Confusion MatrixAbstract
In response to the burgeoning need for advanced object recognition and classification, this research embarks on a journey harnessing the formidable capabilities of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The central aim of this study revolves around the precise identification and categorization of objects, with a specific focus on the critical task of distinguishing between fresh and spoiled chicken meat. This study's overarching objective is to craft a robust CNN-based classification model that excels in discriminating between objects. In the context of our research, we set out to create a model adept at distinguishing between fresh and rotten chicken meat. This endeavor holds immense potential in augmenting food safety and elevating quality control standards within the poultry industry. Our research methodology entails meticulous data collection, which includes acquiring high-resolution images of chicken meat. This meticulously curated dataset serves as the bedrock for both training and testing our CNN model. To optimize the model, we employ the 'adam' optimizer, while critical performance metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1-score, are methodically computed to evaluate the model's effectiveness. Our experimental findings unveil the remarkable success of our CNN model, with consistent accuracy, precision, and recall metrics all reaching an impressive pinnacle of 94%. These metrics underscore the model's excellence in the realm of object classification, with a particular emphasis on its proficiency in distinguishing between fresh and rotten chicken meat. In summation, our research concludes that the CNN model has exhibited exceptional prowess in the domains of object recognition and classification. The model's high accuracy signifies its precision in furnishing accurate predictions, while its elevated precision and recall values accentuate its effectiveness in differentiating between object classes. Consequently, the CNN model stands as a robust foundation for future strides in object classification technology. As we peer into the horizon of future research, myriad opportunities beckon. Our CNN model's applicability extends beyond chicken meat classification, inviting exploration across diverse domains. Furthermore, the model's refinement and adaptation for specific challenges represent an exciting avenue for future work, promising heightened performance across a broader spectrum of object recognition tasks.
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