Application of two Trichoderma harzianum isolates secondary metabolites alone or in combination on pepper seedling vegetative growth


  • Loekas Susanto
  • Laeli Nurrokhmah Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University
  • Endang Mugiastuti
  • Abdul Manan


non-climbing pepper, secondary metabolites, Trichoderma harzianum, vegetative growth


This study aimed to assess the effect of secondary metabolites derived from two Trichoderma harzianum isolates alone or in combination on the vegetative growth and on phenolic compounds content qualitatively of non climbing pepper seedling. Randomized block design was used with five treatments and six replicates. The treatments were control, secondary metabolites of T. harzianum T10 or T213, their combination, and benomyl. Variables observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length and area, number of branches, plants fresh and dry weight, roots fresh and dry weight, root length, and phenolic compounds qualitatively. Results of the research showed that the secondary metabolites of T. harzianum was able to increase vegetative growth, especially plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weight, roots fresh and dry weight, and root length as 36.18; 8.33; 47.02; 15.57; 20.02; 16.67; 31.99; 33.33 and 18.26%, respectively (T10); 42.44; 10.20; 43.67; 18.08; 20.59; 9.09; 31.39; 30.76 and 18.26% respectively, (T213); 48.21; 13.72; 44.84; 18.49; 21.57; 16.67; 33.95; 33.33 and 17.07% respectively (combined T10 and T213). The secondary metabolites of T. harzianum could increase the content of phenolic compounds (saponins, tannins, and glycosides) qualitatively in non climbing pepper seedlings.

