Statistical Analysis on Relationship between Muhammadiyah Growths in 1912-1964 and its Heritage


Shubhi Mahmashony Harimurti


The phenomenal movement of Muhammadiyah with their growing assets is interesting to be studied in archaeological perspective. This research will focus on a period between 1912 1964 when the significant growth of Muhammadiyah as an organization took place. Spatially, this research will concentrate in three sub-districts of Gondomanan, Ngampilan, and Wirobrajan. This research is addressed to answer the question whether there is significant relationship between the growth of Muhammadiyah and the quantity of material assets owned by this organization during 1912 1964. The research objective is demonstrating the relationship between the growth of Muhammadiyah and its material heritage. Therefore, this research tries to demonstrate correlation between the growth of Muhammadiyah and the material heritage owned by the organization. The growth of Muhammadiyah is represented in the number of its membership and the material culture is indicated by the quantity of its sites. The correlation is measured by using statistical method. The statistical calculation shows there is a strong relationship between the quantity of Muhammadiyah sites and the growth of the organization. This is the result of many 'behavioral' aspects of the Muhammadiyah movement especially in social-religious, ijtihad, education, regeneration, and administrative sectors. From 1912 1964, the material assets of Muhammadiyah had undergone transformation in different ways.


How to Cite
Harimurti, S. M. (2018). Statistical Analysis on Relationship between Muhammadiyah Growths in 1912-1964 and its Heritage. International Journal of Applied Business and Information Systems, 1(2), 26–33.