Intense work for mangrove planting, forest, and land rehabilitation efforts, and generating the coastal community economy in the pandemic era


  • Yunita Dwi Hastuti Balai Pengelolaan Aliran Sungai dan Hutan Lindung Musi
  • Nisrina Salsabila Universitas Gadjah Mada



Coastal Community , Forest rehabilitation, Mangrove, Pandemic


Mangrove forest is a unique, transitional ecosystem between seawater and freshwater ecosystems. Indonesia has an existing mangrove area of 3,364,081 Ha, of which the area of potential mangrove habitat is 756,183 Ha. The high value of this mangrove ecosystem places mangroves as one of the targets for rehabilitation in Indonesia. South Sumatra Province is one of Indonesia’s provinces with high mangrove potential. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the activities of the business world experienced significant disruption in production, distribution, and other operational activities, ultimately disrupting the performance of the national economy. Along with the decline in the Indonesian economy as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic, it automatically has an impact on the economic conditions of the people who live in coastal areas, where most of their lives depend on the pond business they manage or even from fishing with an unstable income level. This review highlights the progress aimed at mangrove planting and forest rehabilitation during the pandemic era by generating the coastal community in South Sumatra.

Author Biographies

Yunita Dwi Hastuti, Balai Pengelolaan Aliran Sungai dan Hutan Lindung Musi

Balai Pengelolaan Aliran Sungai dan Hutan Lindung Musi

Nisrina Salsabila, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Department of Biology


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How to Cite

Hastuti YD, Salsabila N. Intense work for mangrove planting, forest, and land rehabilitation efforts, and generating the coastal community economy in the pandemic era. Biological. environ. pollut. [Internet]. 2022Dec.30 [cited 2024May1];2(2):41-8. Available from:


