Social Network Analysis of The Development of The Halal Industry In Indonesia
Social networking, Twitter, Social media, Machine learning, Sentiment analysisAbstract
This study aims to look at the public sentiment represented by Twitter users regarding the halal industry. Data was taken using Drone Emprit Academic, a big data method that captures and analyzes conversations on social media, especially on Twitter, developed by Media Kernels Indonesia, which is also installed on the Information System Agency of the Islamic University of Indonesia. The research method uses a social network analysis approach to analyze data on social media conversations. The data was obtained after observing for 30 days from trending Twitter topics. The data is processed by the Social Network Analysis (SNA) system, which can be interpreted as a description of the interactions and relationships that always occur between one individual and another in an organization or work environment and the company. We found that the halal industry in Indonesia is growing more rapidly with the existence of social networks. A large number of conversations among Twitter users in Indonesia shows this.
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