A Performance evaluation of ESP32 Camera Face Recognition for various projects





face recognition, esp32 camera, intelligent detection, smart door lock, Artificial intelligence


Images Recognition and Face Recognition are a form of artificial intelligence developed on Robots and Smart CCTV, such as technology currently developing, such as YOLO Real-time Object Detection and Images Recognition using Python language. In this research, the tool trying to be used is the ESP32 camera and his approach to several types of study, such as smart door locks.  To activate this ESP32 camera, use the ATmega 328 mini Microcontroller, Arduino board, and FTDI Programmer.  The thing that can be analyzed is the delay or inference time (ms) on the ESP32 camera.  Face recognition technology in this research is devoted to using the ES32 camera, which is expected to be an inexpensive image recognition solution.  This research using the ESP32 camera was made as easy as possible to be applied by everyone, but by not leaving the analysis side, one of which is on the time side of the camera's detection of the object in front of it, how far and fast (ms), this object can be explicitly detected.  Speed is seen from the resolution specifications used for face recognition and image recognition, such as CIF and QVGA, and throughput (bytes) analysis of ESP32-Cam and Server using Wireshark.

Author Biography

Puput Dani Prasetyo adi, +62 81227103387

Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi received the Bachelor Degree in Informatic Engineering (S. Kom) from STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta in 2008, now, Universitas Teknologi Digital Indonesia (UTDI), Indonesia., Magister Engineering Degree (M.T) from Hasannudin University Makassar Indonesia in 2011., and Ph.D. degrees (Dr.Eng) from Kanazawa University, Japan, in 2020, he joined in Micro Electronics Laboratory (MeRL), Kanazawa University, Japan with Professor Akio Kitagawa, 2018-2020. In 2020, He is a Winners of Dean's Award Kanazawa University, Japan. Also in 2020, he received The Best Paper IEEE Conferences ICITACEE 2020 with the title paper 'Finger Robotic control use M5Stack board and MQTT Protocol based, currently, he is a Lecturer in University of Merdeka Malang East Java Indonesia, at Department of Electrical Engineering. The focus research is about Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) and Low Power Wide Area Network (LAWAN) use Long Range (Lora) Radio Frequency and another types of RF. Currently, the research focus on Agricultural and Healthcare IoT based.






Artificial Intelligence