SINTA Accreditation Certificate
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1. Augmented Reality-Based Car Showroom Application as a Promotional Media at Alya Motor Car Showroom [587-600]
2. Implementation of Load Balancing Using the PCC (Per Connection Classifier) Method on Computer Networks to Improve Responsiveness [601-615]
3.Implementation of AES-256 Algorithm for Encryption on Chatting Platforms [616-624]
4.Implementation of E-Commerce for Andika Jeans with PHP, MySQL, and SDLC for Web-based Applications [625-640]
5. Development of an Information System for eTax Return Reporting PPh 21 Employees at PT. FBR Mitra Sejati [641-665]
6.Performance Comparison of K-nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, and Random Forest Methods for Classification of Cyber Defense Master Scholarship Recipients [666-676]
7. Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications: Friend or Threat for Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students at Singaperbangsa University of Karawang [677-688]
8. Prediction of New Customer Segmentation Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Project Cycle Orange Data Mining [689-700]
9. Website-Based Retail Sales Monitoring System at Purbaratu Market Cooperative, Tasikmalaya City [701-713]
10. Wireless Network Service Quality Analysis at Kefamenanu 1 State Vocational School using QoS Methods [714-732]
11.Building a Web-Based Application for Transaction Recording and Inventory Management at Unipro Store [733-755]
12.Automating Internship Data Management Processes in a Web-Based Application: A Case Study of FTI UNTAR [756-784]
13.Implementing Hierarchical Role-Based Access Control for Document Administration in Student Organizations [785-802]
14.Student feedback systems: Developing a web-based solution for efficient complaint processing at the Faculty of Information Technology at Tarumanagara University [803-821]
15. Implementation of Haversine Algorithm in Web-Based Online Attendance Application [822-835]
16. Enhancing Tourist Experiences in Glodok Pancoran Through Virtual Tours [836-849]
17. Monitoring leakage in water pipe installation using a water flow sensor [850-865]
18. Performance Comparison of the Support Vector Machine Algorithm with RBF Kernel and Random Forest in Classifying Tourism Images of Nusa Penida [866-877]
19. Revolutionizing B2B procurement: Digital transformation at PT Sadang Jaya [878-893]
20. Design of a Monitoring System for the Number of Visitors and Room Temperature Telkom Plaza Bengkulu [894-908]
SINTA Accreditation Certificate
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