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The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Journal (IOTA) is a journal that is officially under the auspices of the Association for Scientific Computing, Electronics, and Engineering (ASCEE). IOTA is an open-access journal that focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT), ISSN 2774-4353, The purpose of The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Journal (IOTA) is to collect the best research results in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), which is rapidly developing towards Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can be combined into Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). also other disciplines that are closely related to computerization, such as civil engineering and mechanical engineering with 3D software used, as well as informatics and information systems engineering which are closely related to software engineering and software developments that are increasingly detailed and advanced. as well as its relationship with telecommunications engineering, embedded systems, satellite analysis, and various disciplines related to computerization, hardware design, and software..publishing the latest papers in the IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL). Topics that can be included in this journal include IoT for various applications (medical, sport, agriculture, smart city, smart home, smart environment, etc.), IoT communication and networking protocols (LoRa, WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy, etc.), IoT enabling technologies, IoT system architecture, IoT with a Recently Sensors Technology, IoT with Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) Technology, Light Fidelity (LiFi) Wireless Communication Technology, Cloud-based IoT, IoT data analytics, IoT Security, IoT Management Services, IoT with Low Power and Energy Harvesting, Future technologies for IoT, Future Internet design for IoT, and Artificial intelligence (AI). IOTA also opened a new section in the field of Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering and Radar, and (new in the Mechanical Engineering Field) Thermodynamics, Solid Body Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, Mechanical Control, Heat and Mass Engineering, Instrumentation and Measurement, and Reliability Engineering, also Civil Engineering because it is closely related to Design and Modeling, such as AutoCAD, Revit, and Building Information Modeling (BIM). so that IOTA's scope is expanding for the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering discipline. IOTA has a frequency of being published four times a year or four issues every year (February, May, August, and November) with the peer review process. The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Journal are indexed at SINTA, Base, Garuda, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International, Neliti, Dimension, Indonesia OneSearch, etc. Some of our articles are cited by highly reputable journals in the Scopus index.
1. Design and Development of Sidajaya Tourism Village Information System as a Mobile-based Information and Promotion Media [1-13]
2. Smart Hotel Security: Integrating AI for Advanced Safety Solutions [14-26]
3. Implementation of the Convolutional Neural Network Method in Highway Traffic Monitoring Systems [27-35]
4. Classification of Cow's Milk Freshness Based on Color and Homogeneity Using the Support Vector Machines (SVM) Method [36-46]
5. Sentiment Analysis of Patient Reviews of Az-Zainiyah Clinic Services Using Neural Language Processing with the Naïve Bayes Method [47-57]
6. Satellite Technology for Internet of Things: An Overview [58-68]
7. Python for Kids: Designing an Educational Literacy Application [69-84]
8. IoT-based Real-Time Monitoring System to Optimize Capacitor Bank Performance on Waste Chopping Machines in Cikawao Village, Bandung [85-95]
9. Machine Learning Approach to Analyze the Relationship Between State Defense Index and Human Development to Strengthen National Defense [96-105]
10. PCOS Disease Classification Using XGBoost Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection [106-114]
SINTA Accreditation Certificate
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